Oh the joys of Home Schooling. Savannah and Hannah really took an interest in the dissection of this fish. Of course they didn't really use that huge knife, but they tried! The fish would NOT die. We waited.... and waited some more for him to peacefully pass away, but he was a stubborn fish. Savannah kept yelling, "Hit em' in the Head. Hit em' in the head!" I tried to explain that there would be nothing left to dissect, but she wanted a quick and somewhat less painful death for the fish. Honestly, how do you kill a fish without damaging it? We tried bathing him in some household cleaners and freezing him, but he wouldn't die. Alive or dead this fish was going to be sacrificed in the name of education. So the girls studied the diagram and began their work. I was shocked at how well they found each part. There was the eyes, brain (yes goldfish have brains), swim bladder, heart, intestines, liver and stomach. I'm so glad to be done with this lesson. Way to go Girls! Girl Power:)