Being the good mommy that I am... I did my research online before taking the kiddos to the movies. I've heard that the new Transformers movie is NOT a movie for anyone under age 16, BUT would you believe I actually found a website that has movie reviews from other mommies and they stated that Cars 2 was BAD. They reported that the Cars 2 movie was full of violence. Apparently there is lots of guns, death, bad guys, things blowing up, and even a few cars DIE (AKA: Crash & Burn). One mommy wrote that her child had nightmares for 3 days after seeing the movie. What to do? What to do?....I figured that Disney couldn't possibly be worse then the Transformer movie, so I chose Cars 2.
Okay, so now that we saw the movie.... If by chance that mommy who has the 6 yr old child who is having nightmares might be reading this, GIVE ME A BREAK! What kind of bubble do you keep your child in? Cars 2 Violent....NOT! Yes, Mater now has some automatic machine guns on the sides of his truck, but that's only to protect his good buddy Lightning McQueen from the bad guys (other cars) and there is no BLOOD and GUTS, only OIL and CAR PARTS. Good clean fun. AND lets not forget... IT'S IN 3-D. The only tears my 6 yr old had was from rubbing his eyes after eating salty popcorn.