Sunday, July 5, 2009

Frog Races

We had a huge 4th of July party at our house this year. Some of the events included frog races. This is a picture of Addy and Savannah racing their frogs. The winners received trophies, metals or ribbons. It was a huge hit. Locating enough frogs for all of the kids was not easy. We went frog hunting on Thursday and Friday in order to collect enough. My parents farm and their are zillions of frogs out on the country roads near their house. People see us out there and think we are nuts! Robert rides on the outside of the Expedition carefully balancing himself on the running boards while holding on tightly to the door with the window unrolled. The kids all have their heads poking out of all the other windows. Meanwhile, I drive slowly with the "Frog Lights" on and when someone saw one they scream it out and Daddy jumps of the car and chases after it. I can only imagine what my parents neighbor's are thinking, "Oh look there goes that city idiot again!" Of course everytime we do this someone is bound to accidentally leave the lid off of the frog/toad bucket and several larger ones always manage to jump out. Then we have sheer pandemonium in the car with everyone screaming. On Friday night after Robert located another toad he walked over to my car window and held it out for me to see. Before I knew what happened the toad jumped out of his hands and landed in my lap. I was screaming for Robert to "Get it off of me NOW!" but he couldn't find it. I didn't want to move in fear that I might smash it, but finally I jumped from the car and did a "Ewww, it touched me dance" along side the road. Robert claimed he found the toad, but I seriously think it's still in the car. The kids thought it was pretty funny too!

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