On Sunday we all enjoyed some time to unwind from a very hectic week. We joined some friends for an afternoon of pizza and bowling (and just in time since Hudson has had a 105* temp for 2 days now.) We decided to make this game girls against boys and we girls were positive that it would be a drop in the bucket...However, I don't know quite how it happened but the boys smashed us! Robert got several 'random lucky strikes' and even Hudson got 2 strikes. Now it should be noted that both teams had the bumper side panels up. This ensured that there would be no gutter balls. I didn't know we had such talent on the boys side. Perhaps we weren't looking hard enough on the girls side. We girls actually managed to throw the ball down the lane never landing in the gutter, yet we knocked down ZERO pins! Beat that boys! Anyone can knock them down, but try leaving them up. And a special thanks to Kim for making the game even more exciting with her dodge ball bowling skills. It takes a lot of talent to throw the ball backwards while facing the pins! Either way we had a great fellowship with some good friends.
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