Monday, July 30, 2012

Savannah is tired of doing Summer work, SO...

She Broke her hand! In truth she is still the hardest worker we have. We were all shocked to find out she had actually broke it. She apparently tripped in the garage and slammed her hand into a metal post filled with concrete. She said she stubbed her toe and it hurt so bad that she ran circles around the truck saying ouch ouch ouch! Her hand had no marks or redness.  She went about her day playing with friends. I noticed over the next few days that she asked for some pain medicine and she said it hurt to touch her hand, however there was no swelling or redness. I figured it was only a sprain. Vannie went about her carefree summer days and was having a blast until the seventh day. I noticed her hand was swelling so I took her to the urgent care clinic and they shocked us all by saying that it was broke. They also informed us that she would need surgery to have metal pins placed inside. GUILT GUILT GUILT. Savannah was somewhat excited because she is the first person in our family to break a body part. I on the other hand was feeling like a horrible parent. So I did the best thing possible, I gave her Daddy's credit card and sent her shopping at WalMart. She only spent $40, but it made me feel a little better. We saw the hand surgeon a few days later and he decided that we would try to fix her hand by casting it first and if that didn't work then she would need surgery. Anyhow, this has not slowed her down one bit. I think she may be trying to break another body part because she desperately wants to earn money for school clothes!

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