Here a Chatter...There a Chatter...Everywhere a Chatter Chatter! With 4 smaller chatter boxes and 2 larger ones, this family never stops it's chattering.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Summer Time Fun
Oh how I love this time of year! We are no longer stuck indoors watching yet another Barney video! We have so many kids on our block and they all love sidewalk chalk. Our street is filled with colorful art work and the newest craze, chalk outlined children. It looks like a crime scene outside our door. It's nearly impossible to get a picture of the older kids, so the top picture will have to work of Addy. I will try for a Taylor picture next!
Happy Birthday Hudson!
Hudson Turns 4! I am not ready to lose my baby. I guess it already happened, but I can hardly believe that 4 years have already passed since this little guy was just a tiny peanut in the NICU. The years went by way to fast. No more buying diapers or cute little bottles, no more adorable matching little outfits with the cute farm animals (he picks all of his clothes now and he likes them best when they are backwards, inside out, dirty, mismatched and over sized.) I will really miss that stage. Hudson has begun to talk quite well now and this enables him to speak his mind and he does it often! He is a feisty little guy and he's learning how to stand up to his older siblings. He knows his rights now and he realizes when he's being used (go ask mom for ice cream, go tell mom you want to watch a movie and eat popcorn.) He no longer belongs only to me. He has a life and friends now. Just last summer he would hide behind my legs when we went outside and other children were running around. Now he pushes me away and says, "Mom, you go inside the house, Okay?" Is it happening already? Am I no longer his one and only best friend? I asked him that very question and he gently placed both hands on my cheeks and turns my face towards him and said, "It's okay mom, I like Dallas now. He's my friend. I like him more, okay mom?" Ohhh the heart ache! Well, his life journey is just beginning and although I may not be able to carry him or hold his hand through it, I will find contentment and joy in watching this little guy develop into the man he will one day be. I love you, Hudson.
Another lost picture
3 gallons of Ice Cream x 2
Boy how they grow!
Farewell Columbia River Voyager

Homemade Pizza!
I have always wondered what goes on at home when I am away. I found these pictures on the camera. Looks like fun! "Dad let us make pizza!" A few months ago I bought a very old cook book at the library. It was printed in 1950 and has thousands of recipes, everything from cow brain pudding to pig heart soup. YUMMY. Living in the 50's must have been a desperate time. Nothing was left to waste and I really mean nothing. One of the recipes is for a cow head. It has something for all parts of the head, deep fried tongue, eyeball stew, and too many cow brain recipes. There are plenty more recipes in the book too and homemade pizza better suites our family. Addy and Savannah said that this was the best pizza they had ever eaten. (are those slices of cow brains on top?) Anyhow, looks like they had fun and the pizza looks great girls.
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