Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Homemade Pizza!

I have always wondered what goes on at home when I am away. I found these pictures on the camera. Looks like fun! "Dad let us make pizza!" A few months ago I bought a very old cook book at the library. It was printed in 1950 and has thousands of recipes, everything from cow brain pudding to pig heart soup. YUMMY. Living in the 50's must have been a desperate time. Nothing was left to waste and I really mean nothing. One of the recipes is for a cow head. It has something for all parts of the head, deep fried tongue, eyeball stew, and too many cow brain recipes. There are plenty more recipes in the book too and homemade pizza better suites our family. Addy and Savannah said that this was the best pizza they had ever eaten. (are those slices of cow brains on top?) Anyhow, looks like they had fun and the pizza looks great girls.

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