Sunday, July 5, 2009

Three Legged Race

Robert and I tried to get in on the fun too, but it proved harder then I thought it was. Since there wasn't any other kids in Taylor's age group for he and his friend to race against, Robert and I volunteered. Taylor informed me that I would have a heart attack if I raced against him and I nearly did. It wasn't my fault however, it was my partners fault. Who could keep up with, right foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, left foot, right foot, right foot, left foot, left foot......
***I just want to add that I look so huge because of a new MS medication that I am on. It makes me blow up like a balloon. So, No I am no expecting a baby and No, I am not taking anabolic steroids!


brentandkashann said...

Your lawn is so beautiful, you don't look huge, but look you are having such a great day.
I forgot that you had MS. We will have to talk about that again. Brent's dad had that.

Chatter Mama said...

Thank you. We kind of cheated and put in sod. I may have grown up a farm kid, but I can't get anything to grow except my kids!