Tori, Harper, Hayden, Landon. TORI, HARPER, HAYDEN, LANDON! This is what I've been listening to for the past 5 hours. WHY? It's a direct result from lack of homework. The girls are so desperately bored out of their minds that they are now competing over who can say the names of their cousins the fastest. ~Tori, Harper, Hayden, Landon... Toriharperhaydenlandon. They've said it in every possible way. They've stood on their heads, said it backwards while holding their tongues, and even tried to say it with water in their mouth. The water thing ended with Savannah choking and then coughing until she vomited. And still she is so desperately bored that she asked for a redo only to cough and vomit again. Tori HARPER HAYDENlandon. AHHHGGG!
After putting a halt to the 'name your cousins til you vomit game', the girls quickly came up with a more exciting game which they have named 'The Sticky fingers challenge'. This game involves gluing two fingers together with the super glue that came in the 'kid safe' glamour nail set and seeing who can pull their fingers apart the fastest. After they figured out that the glue wasn't coming off anytime soon and the fact that they were quite possibly disfigured for life, they returned to the first game... Tori, Harper, Hayden, Landon...
Meanwhile, Hudson is running around and announcing to anyone that will listen that his poopie has nuts in it (I know~ too much info!) "Poopie nut poopie nut!" and when the girls wouldn't let him join in the Sticky fingers game he called them a poopie nut. So now I am listening to a choir of shouts, "Tori, Harper HAYDEN LANDON" and Hudson shouting in between each name, "Poopie nut Poopie nut." I guess that poopie thing comes with the age. For some unknown reason four year old boys find anything with the word 'poopie' extremely funny. Just about all of Hudson's speech has the poopie word mixed in there. Poopie lawnmower, poopie bedtime, poopie soap, you're a poopie head, I can make a poopie bubble (fart), even during his counting lessons he says, one poopie, two poopie, three poopie... The poopie talk never ends. A few months ago, Hudson referred to the ABC's as the AB-Peepee's after he learned the letters LMNOP. "Peepee, LMNO Peepee!!!!!"
School at the Gibson home will be starting tomorrow! Homework (lots of homework) will be assigned on the first day of school! ***Anyone currently looking for a job should checkout craigslist. I've heard there is a listing for a home school sub teacher needed ASAP. The only requirements are that you find 'poopie' funny!