Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Featuring: The Bubbling Commode!

This Afternoon as my sweet little boy was sound asleep upstairs in his bedroom I decided to catch up on a few unread emails.
About an hour later I heard the strangest sound. It was a gurgling sound coming from the master bedroom's bathroom. I was somewhat afraid to get up and look. Instead of running in there I stood hiding near the door and took a quick peek. I'm not sure what I was afraid of seeing, but I've seen those TV shows where snakes come slithering out of the toilet when you least expect it (I know
it's an urban legend, but it could happen!) I was definitely not prepared to see bubbles overflowing from the toilet. With each gurgle that the toilet made the bubbles grew larger and larger. I've NEVER seen anything like it before. One thing came to mind...

HUDSON! What did he do and where is he at? I ran upstairs and found the little stinker dumping his third bottle of shampoo down the toilet. The children's bathroom (upstairs) is located directly above the master bathroom (downstairs). Somehow all of the bubbles foamed up in the pipe and had nowhere to go except out the toilet downstairs. It took another hour before the gurgling and bubbles stopped. As for Hudson, well he's proud at how clean he got the toilet and the bubbles were pretty neat too!


Claire Saville said...

lol that's hilarious. Hey our blog is www.the-savilles.blogspot.com

Chatter Mama said...

Just wait a few more months and Caiden will be at the "toilet flushing age." If you begin to notice that certain objects are missing from around the house, you can pretty much guess that they are probably stuck in the plumbing of the toilet! It's such a fun age and great fun for daddy who gets to go fishing for the missing loot!