Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Meet The Younger Chatter-Bugs!

Meet Gage (Gage on left, Savannah on right!) He is rarely seen chattering, but once he gets started he can chatter like the rest of them! Gage is almost 7 yrs old. He likes math, video games, hanging out with Taylor and watching TV. He loves his Mom and and thinks his Dad is a real hero. Gage is never afraid to try new foods. He even likes sushi! The one thing he hates is peanut butter and that's probably best since he is deadly allergic to it. Gage is an inner thinker. His personality is calm and reserved. He enjoys creating and sharing stories from his endlessly wonderful imagination. Gage is excellent at solving puzzles and playing critical thinking skills games. His IQ is higher then everyone else in our home. Gage is an angelic boy that everyone loves. We love him just as much as we do our own children. I can't wait to find out what kind of man Gage will be someday. He can offer this world so many wonderful things. Love you, Gage!

1 comment:

Claire Saville said...

Hey there...that is such a cute picture! Especially in Black and White!!!