Savannah got into the theme of things during the missionary conferences this last weekend. She and Robert helped to run the German foods booth. At the conference there was food from around the world to sample. We made 500 German meatballs in a sweet & sour sauce. They tasted great, but the real treat was the cute little German girl who served everyone.
This was a huge test for Taylor since he plans on doing mission work when he is a little older. We told him that he might as well sample some food from several countries and should he find a food that agrees with his finicky eating habits, well then BINGO.... We found a mission location! However, Taylor only eats about three or four kinds of food and McDonald's and Pizza Hut are two of them. The only food booth that he agreed to eat from was the American booth (cheeseburgers.) So I guess that means that Taylor will be spreading the gospel in Iowa or something. So much for an exciting adventure in a far away country.
Hudson on the other hand chowed down on cookies, ice-cream, and candy canes during the conference. He refused to eat anything else. So I guess Hudson will be headed to the North Pole for his mission.
It's been a very busy week and although we enjoyed visiting with all of the missionary families, we are glad to have things return to a slower pace.
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