Here a Chatter...There a Chatter...Everywhere a Chatter Chatter! With 4 smaller chatter boxes and 2 larger ones, this family never stops it's chattering.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Home Security System
Sales man: Good afternoon sir. I am here today to offer you a way to keep your family and house safe. I am selling peace of mind here.
Robert: I'm really not interested.
Sales man: Well sir, I see you have children. What would you do if a man broke into your house in the middle of the night?
Robert: I'd shoot him.
Sales man: Okay, what if you weren't home and your wife and children were home alone?
Robert: My wife would shoot him.
Sales man: I understand sir, but what if the children were home alone?
Robert: The kids would shoot him.
Sales man: Okay sir, lets forget about a home invasion. What if you were not home and someone broke into your house and robbed you?
Robert: That's why I have home owners insurance!
We only have one little problem with our home security system now. WE HAVE NO GUN! And I don't really want a gun in our home either. I guess we will have to get the second best thing to that: A couple of signs that read, "Don't Rob US, We Have a Gun!"
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, parents...everyone!
Hudson takes a dip in his cupcake!
Robert and baby brother, Pat.
Today was a special day. It was Grandma Wundukes 85th birthday. The entire Gibson clan got together for pizza and cake. We haven't seen many of Robert's brothers for a long time, so it was nice to see them and their families and catch up. Don't you think that Robert and his brothers look so much alike? I do. We all had a lot of fun and hopefully we can all get together before Grandma's 86th birthday!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy Birthday, KY!
Happy Birthday, Ky!
Can you believe it's been 6 years since our "Girls Only Trip" to Oregon. That means you would have been like 9 years old! Wow, time really flew by fast. It's been amazing watching you transform into the wonderful person you have become today. I've enjoyed our years of fun times and practical jokes. (Remember the vomit flavored Jelly beans?) Imagine where you will be in 6 years from now. Adulthood comes far to quick, so STOP growing up so quickly! I really thought about putting your potty training picture on the blog, but I quickly remembered how horrible your paybacks are! Maybe we can go on another Girls Only Trip in a year and then you can drive! You can be the one that acts all retarded to all of the passing cars! (remember that?) Well, I hope you know what a special person you are to me. Happy Birthday, I love you.
Aunt Lisa
Monday, January 12, 2009
Gift or Punishment?
I dedicate this post to the many parents (victims) who unknowingly fall prey to the evil doings of those "Assembly Required" gift givers. I am NOT purposely trying to point a finger, but these "Assembly Required" or "A.R." gift givers who maliciously choose gifts that have a 12 hour assembly time and 4,000 or more tiny pieces, are more often than not "THE GRANDPARENTS"! They want us to believe that their gifts come from a benevolent heart, when in truth the A.R. gift giver usually spends weeks or maybe even months searching for that special gift with the 4,000 pieces. Clearly this is a premeditated attempt at revenge for something that we innocent parents may or may NOT have done. It is an example of an out of control problem that must be addressed. Most of these A.R. gifts cause great distress for the entire family. These gifts usually cause physical and emotional pain on the young and innocent children. The emotional part comes from the fact that no parent in their right mind is going to even attempt to put an A.R. gift together until at least 3-9 weeks after the gift was received and even then there is no guarantee that all 4,000 pieces still exist. Most likely at least half of the parts are either flushed down the toilet or glued down to an art project. The physical pain comes when the parent has completely lost their mind after weeks of temper tantrums and then finally construction begins. After reading the instructions for 3 hours and attempting to locate every single little screw, you undoubtedly find that your missing several parts. Not that that should matter because the directions that you just read are only good if you live in the Eastern part of the world at an altitude higher than 10,000 ft. SO YOU MUST START OVER! By now the excited and restless child is tearing and throwing the box and all the packing material all around the room. The tantrums start up again and thus the physical pain of a spanking comes upon the child. The father who is seriously considering throwing this A.R. gift out to the garbage is quickly reminded that his in-laws bought the gift and they will soon return from Hawaii and expect to see the grandchild playing happily with the A.R. toy. The father mutters a few words and again begins his futile attempt at constructing something that looks halfway like the picture on the box. Once again more beatings are given out to the restless child. Finally after 12 hours of hard work the A.R. toy is complete. After this experience we have decided that those innocent little children in China are paid too MUCH! They have the easy job of throwing a handful of uncounted parts into a box and gluing it shut. Surely these children in China don't suffer as needlessly as the many innocent children who receive A.R. gifts for Christmas? And let's not forget the parents who suffered through the endless hours of A.R. construction, parent abuse, an utterly destroyed house, thoughts of suicide and finally thoughts of homicide! So one last Thank you to all of the A.R. gift givers. The children, although happy and grateful for the gift, are unable to play with them right now because their bums are red and painful!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Hudson is a BOY in need of a haircut!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Addy!
Happy Birthday, Addy Bug!
My little girl is no longer that! It's hard to believe that she is already 80% through her childhood. I really kick myself now when I remember back to the time when she was a toddler. I had 3 children all under the age of four. Addy was the middle child. She had to grow up pretty quick, because her little sister joined our family when Addy was 18 months old. Luck for me, Addy was the most easy going little girl. She was always happy and smiling. I remember days when the kids all wanted my attention and needed me constantly (I want a drink. I want to eat. I have to go bathroom!) and I felt pushed and pulled to my limits. I remember thinking to myself, "In a few more years they will be able to get their own drinks and grab a snack from the fridge." I thought that when the time came I would be released from all of those busy non-stop days. At the time I really couldn't imagine anything more then where I was at. Addy often came to me wanting to cuddle and read her favorite book. Many times I did, but more times then not I was to busy with the baby. Her birthday happens to fall on New Years Day and since it's so close to Christmas, we often talk her into celebrating it later. (up until the age of 7 we told her that all of the fireworks and parties around the world were in honor of her!) Being that she is so carefree and easy going, Addy always happily excepted our small family birthday parties around the kitchen table on New Years day. A few months later she would carefully remind me that she has not had a "Slumber Birthday Party" yet. Only Addy would allow a parent to overlook something so important in their life. Addy had to grow up quick, but I believe that it has enabled her to think for herself. She's always had a very strong spiritual connection to the Lord and she emulates a glow that makes you want to be a better person. I have NEVER seen her be nasty towards another person. Even when her so-called friends joined their little clicks, Addy never joined their cruel clubs. Sometimes I felt that she may be a little to passive, but then I realized that she was the real deal. She is an honest, loving, trustworthy, peaceful young lady and there's nothing wrong with that! Happy Birthday, Addy. I love you.