Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Addy!

Happy Birthday, Addy Bug!

My little girl is no longer that! It's hard to believe that she is already 80% through her childhood. I really kick myself now when I remember back to the time when she was a toddler. I had 3 children all under the age of four. Addy was the middle child. She had to grow up pretty quick, because her little sister joined our family when Addy was 18 months old. Luck for me, Addy was the most easy going little girl. She was always happy and smiling. I remember days when the kids all wanted my attention and needed me constantly (I want a drink. I want to eat. I have to go bathroom!) and I felt pushed and pulled to my limits. I remember thinking to myself, "In a few more years they will be able to get their own drinks and grab a snack from the fridge." I thought that when the time came I would be released from all of those busy non-stop days. At the time I really couldn't imagine anything more then where I was at. Addy often came to me wanting to cuddle and read her favorite book. Many times I did, but more times then not I was to busy with the baby. Her birthday happens to fall on New Years Day and since it's so close to Christmas, we often talk her into celebrating it later. (up until the age of 7 we told her that all of the fireworks and parties around the world were in honor of her!) Being that she is so carefree and easy going, Addy always happily excepted our small family birthday parties around the kitchen table on New Years day. A few months later she would carefully remind me that she has not had a "Slumber Birthday Party" yet. Only Addy would allow a parent to overlook something so important in their life. Addy had to grow up quick, but I believe that it has enabled her to think for herself. She's always had a very strong spiritual connection to the Lord and she emulates a glow that makes you want to be a better person. I have NEVER seen her be nasty towards another person. Even when her so-called friends joined their little clicks, Addy never joined their cruel clubs. Sometimes I felt that she may be a little to passive, but then I realized that she was the real deal. She is an honest, loving, trustworthy, peaceful young lady and there's nothing wrong with that! Happy Birthday, Addy. I love you.

1 comment:

Chatter Mama said...

Thank you mom And I love you lotts!